Fairfax EggBank Blog

10 Tips for Completing the Egg Donor Cycle
Mar 10, 2025 · Egg Donation FAQs, Egg Donors

10 Tips for Completing the Egg Donor Cycle

Egg donation is a fulfilling experience for both donors and recipients. It is truly rewarding to know that your donation can help someone start a family and make their dreams come true. At the same time, the egg donation process can be physically and mentally demanding, requiring time, preparation, and dedication. This blog will provide…

5 Reasons We Need Egg Donors
Feb 5, 2025 · Egg Donation FAQs, Egg Donors

5 Reasons We Need Egg Donors

You may be thinking about egg donation or be interested in becoming an egg donor to benefit an infertile couple. But do you know why egg donation is best for some women and intended parents? Before deciding to donate your eggs, let’s discuss why egg donation is needed—and how our donors help make dreams come…

Maternal Health Awareness Day: Donor Egg IVF Wellness Tips

Maternal Health Awareness Day: Donor Egg IVF Wellness Tips

Maternal health, the well-being of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the post-partum period, is vital for the health and prosperity of both the mother and baby. This is why every January 23rd since 2021, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and their partners celebrate Maternal Health Awareness Day across the United States, raising awareness…

Egg Donation Reimbursement and Benefits Explained
Jan 20, 2025 · Egg Donation FAQs, Egg Donors

Egg Donation Reimbursement and Benefits Explained

Choosing to donate your eggs is one of the most generous gifts you could ever give to someone hoping to start a family. You might not expect to receive anything in return, but we think it’s only fair to compensate you for your time and effort. At Fairfax EggBank, we reimburse our egg donors with…

How Long Does It Take To Donate Eggs?
Jan 13, 2025 · Egg Donation FAQs, Egg Donors

How Long Does It Take To Donate Eggs?

The egg donation process can take time, and we know your time has value. That’s why we provide generous egg donor compensation. Our egg donors juggle multiple priorities: jobs, families, school, and more. You may wonder how much time you’ll have to commit to the egg donor process. In this blog, we’ll break down each step…

Navigating Donor Medical Updates: Insights from the Director of Genetic Counseling at Fairfax EggBank

Navigating Donor Medical Updates: Insights from the Director of Genetic Counseling at Fairfax EggBank

Consider this scenario: It is a regular day at Fairfax EggBank when we receive a medical update on one of our egg donors who reached out to inform us that she was diagnosed with a cardiomyopathy (disease that affects the heart). She has no prior personal or family history of cardiac diseases and the diagnosis…

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Frozen Donor Eggs?


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