Egg Donation FAQs

8 Tips for Completing Your Egg Donor Application

Egg donation offers a meaningful opportunity to provide invaluable support to families struggling with infertility. While our application process may be rigorous, we’re here to support you every step of the way! 

The first step to becoming an egg donor with Fairfax EggBank is completing a full medical application. This application will include questions about your personal medical history, family medical history, and personality. It’s the best way for our team to get to know you before you enter the next step of the process. 

This guide was created to help you better understand our egg donor application to support a faster and more seamless application process.  Keep reading for helpful tips on navigating our egg donor application. 

Understand the Requirements to Donate Eggs

Before you dive into the application, carefully review our egg donor requirements to ensure that you’re eligible for our program.  

Additionally, many egg donors find our location requirement confusing. It’s important that you live within 2 hours of one of our locations. Once you’re approved as an egg donor and begin your first cycle, you’ll begin having multiple weekly appointments. It’s crucial that you live within 2 hours of one of our partnering clinics so you’re able to easily go to your appointments. 

You also need to be a U.S. citizen to apply to be an egg donor; however, if you have a green card or Visa, you’re still able to move forward with the application. When prompted, you’re going to input your ID type and expiration date into the required section of the application. 

Tip #1: If you don’t live within that 2-hour radius, that’s okay because you may still be eligible to donate through our egg donor travel program.  

Tip #2: For those who have a Visa, please have your Visa type, number, and expiration date ready when filling out the application. 

Comprehend the Application Format

After reviewing the requirements and meeting our criteria, you’re ready to apply! You’ll begin by taking the initial part of the application, which takes about 3-5 minutes. Upon approval, you can move forward to the rest of the full medical application.  

You’ll notice sections like: 

  • Family Explorer: Genetics & Family Medical History
  • Self-Discovery: Personal Behavior, Reproductive History, & Medical History
  • FDA
  • Personal Profile

This portion of the application can take anywhere between 20 – 40 minutes to complete. You’ll find questions that are more in-depth, so make sure to take your time and carefully read and answer all of them. 

Tip #3: If you don’t know the answer to a question, feel free to leave and come back to the application at any time. We’d prefer you pause your application and go find the correct answer than try to guess. If you don’t add your answer, we will request the information later in the process. 

Tip #4: Please make sure you do not use caps lock when completing your application. This will cause further challenges when processing your application. 

Gather your Medical History

The medical history portion of the application can be the most challenging due to the detailed information required about your own medical history and that of your family.  Completing this section involves gathering medical information from three generations: 

  • Yourself
  • Any biological children
  • Biological siblings (including half siblings)
  • Biological parents
  • Biological aunts and uncles
  • Biological grandparents

The information required includes ethnic background, current age or age at death, any genetic, medical, or health conditions such as heart problems, blood conditions, respiratory conditions, and more. 

Tip #5: Check out our medical history blog to help you find your family medical history. 

Tip #6: Do not put “N/A” or “unknown” as the cause of death.  

Prepare your Images

As you continue through the application, you’ll be prompted to upload photos from your childhood and adulthood. When you’re selecting your photos, please ensure that they are: 

  • High resolution
  • Have no filters
  • Are not AI-generated
  • Your face is clearly visible
  • Any makeup is natural
  • You’re not wearing any sunglasses or piercings
  • There are no visible tattoos
  • Your hair is a natural tone
  • The photo is not a mirror selfie
  • You’re fully clothed; bikini photos are not allowed
  • Free of any clearly identifiable information

This list should be used for both childhood and adult photos. When selecting childhood photos, prioritize happy images, including those from infancy, toddlerhood, and adolescence. 

Tip #7: Have your adult and childhood photos ready. PNG/JPEG are preferred. 

Be Honest and Transparent

When you reach the personal profile section, your application is almost complete. The personal profile will allow us to get to know you on a deeper level. There’ll be short prompts to try to better understand who you are and why you chose to donate your eggs. Some of the prompts include your talents, favorites (music, animal, movie, etc.), goals, and more. We encourage you to challenge yourself to answer these questions. Please don’t answer with “I don’t have any” or “none.” 

There’ll also be some short essays that may ask questions like what your character traits are, a memorable childhood experience, who you closely identify with, and more that are utilized to gain deeper insight into your character. Please answer these prompts with complete sentences and why you feel this way. We look forward to getting to know you better. 

Tip #8: The application will ask about physical attributes (bust and waist size, shape of eye, chin and nose). Be prepared with a measuring tape to provide accurate measurements. 

Embarking on the journey of egg donation is a compassionate and generous decision. By following these tips, approaching the application should be less intimidating, more positive, and more fulfilling. Click here to apply with Fairfax EggBank! 

If you have any other questions, you can reach out to  


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