Fairfax EggBank Blog

Lab technician examining frozen and fresh donor eggs.

Donor Eggs: Are Frozen or Fresh Better?

When you’re considering using fresh vs. frozen donor eggs to reach your long-cherished dream of pregnancy, it’s a major step in your journey. You’re probably doing a lot of research and homework on egg donors and the process of donor egg IVF. The biggest decision many of our recipients struggle with is whether to try a cycle using fresh donor…

Egg donor recipients looking at laptop looking for the right egg donor.
Apr 4, 2021 · Intended Parents

3 Questions To Ask Yourself To Find the Right Egg Donor

Deciding to undergo IVF with donor eggs is a major step on your fertility journey. But more tough choices are to follow. How can you find an egg donor that’s perfect for you? When it comes to picking an egg donor where do you start? We have broken down this decision-making process into three questions…

Doctor talking to intended parent about egg bank vs egg donation agency.

Egg Bank vs. Egg Donation Agency: Which Is Best?

There are tons of egg donation programs out there, and many sound the same. The advertisements scream “Make Money by Becoming an Egg Donor!” and “Compassionate Egg Donors Needed. Earn thousands of dollars!” The choice is simple in your head. Obviously, the best egg donation company out there is the one that’ll pay you the…

Egg donor recipient holding up her egg donor conceived baby, happy with her decision to use donor eggs.

Webinar Recap: What Makes Frozen Donor Eggs Better

We were honored to have Dr. Aimee join us to speak about her experience partnering with Fairfax EggBank, and her patients’ experience using our frozen donor eggs. The webinar recording includes a discussion between our National Embryology Relations Manager Amanjot Grewal, MPH and Dr. Aimee, as well as questions from our attendees. There were several…

Egg donor recipients looking at Fairfax EggBank's success rates on their laptop.

How Fairfax EggBank Measures Egg Donor Success Rates

Guest Contributor: Rita Fields, MSC, ELD(ABB) – Fairfax EggBank’s Scientific Director Using donor eggs is no easy decision. If you’re like most recipients, you’ll research your options carefully to choose the best egg donor at the best egg donor program available. Published success rates can provide you with cues on how strong a donor egg…

Fairfax EggBank Certified Genetics Counselor, Suzanne Seitz, MS, MPA, and Director of Client Relations, Teri Reaves in a webinar about expanded genetic testing.

Reasons To Choose an Egg Donor With More Genetic Testing

WATCH: Expanded Genetic Testing – How To Choose An Egg Donor   Fairfax EggBank uses expanded genetic testing for all new donors that enter our program. In this webinar, Fairfax EggBank experts explain what it means when an egg donor is a healthy carrier, how to interpret the results of expanded genetic testing panels of…

Have Questions About
Frozen Donor Eggs?


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