Fairfax EggBank Blog

Couple hugging in hallway as they are sad because they suffer from infertility.

How We Support Families Beyond Infertility Awareness Week

National Infertility Awareness Week Donor egg parents and intended parents have experienced more challenges than most in building their families, and their determination is inspiring. This is National Infertility Awareness Week, sponsored by RESOLVE The National Infertility Association. This year, this period of awareness is keenly felt by everyone struggling with infertility and those who…

New mother holding her donor egg conceived baby, happy she chose frozen donor eggs.
Apr 9, 2020 · Intended Parents

How Frozen Donor Eggs Gave Hope to This Intended Parent

Frozen donor egg recipients have been through so many obstacles on the path to becoming parents. Those obstacles often create strength when we need it most. After more than 10 years working closely with donor egg parents, our Fairfax EggBank team has had the privilege of hearing their stories of resilience and hope. During a…

Same sex male couple lays on each side of their donor egg conceived daughter.
Jun 7, 2019 · Intended Parents

Celebrating LGBTQ+ Families Using Our Egg Donation Program

COVID-19 Donor egg parents are prepared for almost anything. When faced with another delay in starting a family, it can be comforting to have some control. Intended parents can reserve a donor now and ensure that egg cohorts are securely stored and will be ready for shipment when you are ready to build your family. …

A Fairfax EggBank donor egg conceived baby smiling.

How Fairfax EggBank Became a Leading Frozen Donor Egg Bank

To understand Fairfax EggBank’s history, we need to explore the legacies of its parent company, Genetics and IVF Institute (GIVF), and sibling company, donor sperm bank Fairfax Cryobank. 1988 – GIVF’s Fresh Donor Egg Program Established The first reported pregnancy in the United States involving the use of donor eggs was in 1984. However, egg…

Donor egg recipients reading the 5 steps to finding the best egg donor.
Apr 24, 2019 · Intended Parents

5 Essential Steps To Finding the Best Egg Donor

Finding the right egg donor can be the most important decision you’ll ever make.  Below are the top five tips we offer in helping you find the best egg donor. 1. Become a Registered User Starting a family is a big decision, and choosing the right egg donor is important. The first step to finding…

Donor egg recipient writing a thank you letter to her egg donor.

Thank You for Your Egg Donation: A Letter to My Donor

An egg donor recipient at Fairfax EggBank wrote this letter of gratitude to her anonymous egg donor. Thank You to My Dear Egg Donor – A Letter to An Anonymous Donor Dear Beautiful Lady, There is no way I can express all that I am feeling in a letter but I will try. I met…

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Frozen Donor Eggs?


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