Fairfax EggBank Blog

Trisha’s Husband’s Journey: Reflections and Advice to Other Partners

Trisha’s Husband’s Journey: Reflections and Advice to Other Partners

The following blog is the sixth part to Trisha H’s journey to motherhood – but with a twist. We feature Avi, Trisha’s husband, in commemoration of Father’s Day. The words are all his own. Trisha’s Husband’s Journey: Reflections and Advice to Other Partners Words can’t describe the way I felt when Trisha called to say – “WE’RE…

What LGBT Couples Need To Know about Egg Donation

What LGBT Couples Need To Know about Egg Donation

Gestational surrogacy with donor eggs is an exciting family building option for gay couples hoping to become parents. But that doesn’t necessarily mean the process is easy—or cheap. Gay couples have many steps and decisions to make—and one of the most important is whether to use fresh donor eggs, or frozen donor eggs. The Challenges and the…

Trisha’s Top Egg Donation Resources

Trisha’s Top Egg Donation Resources

[Download Trisha’s entire blog series in PDF form here] The following blog is the fifth part to Trisha H’s journey to motherhood. The words are all her own. To read about her fertility journey that led her to the decision to use donor eggs, click here. If you want to learn more about how she…

Balancing the Egg Donation Process with Your Schedule and Your Life
May 6, 2016 · Egg Donors

Balancing the Egg Donation Process with Your Schedule and Your Life

If you’re considering egg donation, a lot of your questions are probably about time. How much time will it take? Will I have to miss school or work? How can I fit the process into my day to day life? You owe it to yourself to get a clear understanding of the time involved in…

Trisha’s Egg Donation Journey: Donor Egg Transfer and BFP

Trisha’s Egg Donation Journey: Donor Egg Transfer and BFP

[Download Trisha’s entire blog series in PDF form here] The following blog is the fourth part to Trisha H’s journey to motherhood.  The words are all her own. To read about her fertility journey that led her to the decision to use donor eggs, click here. If you want to learn more about how she evaluated using…

Trisha’s Egg Donation Journey: Finding The Right Donor

Trisha’s Egg Donation Journey: Finding The Right Donor

[Download Trisha’s entire blog series in PDF form here] The following blog is the third part to Trisha H’s journey to motherhood.  The words are all her own. To read about her fertility journey that led her to the decision to use donor eggs, click here. If you want to learn more about how she evaluated…

Have Questions About
Frozen Donor Eggs?


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